Local Development
Mostrando 1-12 de 2754 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Bancos comunitários de desenvolvimento e o apoio à promoção do desenvolvimento local: o caso do Banco Ilhamar.
This studys aim is to identify the effects of Banco Comunitário de Desenvolvimento Ilhamars action in an attempt to support the proposed local development that has been fostered by the Ecosmar Project in the village of Matarandiba, located in the Vera Cruz municipality, in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Ilhamar bank is one of the initiatives of the Ecosmar net
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 29/07/2011
2. A socio-environmental development programme in action in Brazilian Amazonia
This paper deals with the process of scaling up and scaling down grassroots demands through a state-sponsored socio-environmental development programme in Brazilian Amazonia called Proambiente (Pro-environment). The paper attempts to understand the links between the three different levels of the programme actions: the macro (federal government), intermediate
BAR - Brazilian Administration Review. Publicado em: 2012-03
3. Sobre a interferÃncia da produÃÃo cientÃfica e tecnolÃgica da universidade no desenvolvimento local : o caso da CiÃncia da ComputaÃÃo
This researchâs central interest was to better understand the way in which the organizations intervene in the local development. The path for this comprehension was traced through a problematization of the articulation between global and local dimensions of the organizational context, using as basis the Institutional Theory. The researchâs main objective w
Publicado em: 2005
4. Desenvolvimento local sustentável e o fenômeno cultural dos bois-bumbás de Parintins: um estudo de caso / Sustainable local development and the cultural phenomenon of Parintins bois-bomb: a case study
The Sustainable Development Theme (DLS) has become part of discussions on development, introducing innovative category as factors that counter the traditional model adopted by the governments of the development plan. Attached to the deconstruction of the economic bias, the assumptions of the DLS come from the reformulation of existing local forces to the eff
Publicado em: 2009
5. Gestão cooperativa e desenvolvimento local: um estudo de caso na Cooperativa de Crédito de São Roque de Minas/ Sicoob-Saromcredi / Cooperative management and local development: a study of case in the Credit Cooperative of the São Roque de Minas/ Sicoob-Saromcredi
The present work aimed to analyse the possibilities of the local development of an efficient Cooperative Management developed through the strategies establishment, driven to both Economic Management and Social Management of these organizations. For this study, it was necessary to correlate development with cooperativism, from the authors that emphasize the f
Publicado em: 2008
6. Local development and public management: a research about companies attraction policies in Araxá city / Desenvolvimento local e gestão municipal: um estudo sobre as políticas para atração de empresas no município de Araxá-MG
Endogenous initiatives that come from communities are constantly discussed, however such initiatives, sometimes, are unable to offer both income and life quality to a part of the population, generating a need of external investments as long as interact with local enterprises and dont suffocate regional particularities. Therefore, the company attraction polic
Publicado em: 2009
7. Local Development and Public Politics Evaluation: Analysis of the viability of creation of un index of local development for the city of São José do Rio Preto. / Desenvolvimento local e avaliação de políticas públicas: análise de viabilidade para construção de um índice de desenvolvimento local para o município de São José do Rio Preto
This work has the objective of analyse the impacts generated by Industrial and Services Minidistricts, implanted in São José do Rio Preto, with the the construction of a quantitative toolto verify the influences in the local development. In order to reach this objective, there were delineated stages of research: qualitative and documental, both oriented by
Publicado em: 2007
8. Estado de Graça: O humor cearense como dimensão da economia criativa e em prol de desenvolvimento local. / State of Grace: Humor Ceara as a dimension of creative economy and to promote local development.
Considering the perspective of the Creative Economy and based entrepreneur of humor, this paper seeks to examine the humorous activity and its contribution to local development in the city of Fortaleza. More specifically had as basis the question: how the humorous activity and its entrepreneurs contribute to local development in the city of Fortaleza? In thi
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 29/07/2010
9. Governos locais e políticas de promoção econômica: uma análise da promoção econômica nos municípios brasileiros com população acima de 50 mil habitantes
This work aims to analyze the policy of economic promotion in the Brazilian cities of medium and great size (with population above of 50.000 hab.). The objective of the research is to launch light in the debate on the regional and municipal development, presenting the recent hypotheses supplied by literature. Of complementary form, had for specific objective
Repositório Institucional da UFRN. Publicado em: 2014
10. O voluntariado em comunidade como alternativa de desenvolvimento local: o caso vila piloto
The present research aims to keep the purposes of the mastership in Local Development inserted in the community of Vila Piloto in the municipality of Três Lagoas MS, having in mind the priorities and needs that the own local community wishes in order to have better quality of life. A community based work must happen in this community, aiming to reach facili
Publicado em: 2005
11. Caracterização do perfil empreendedor como facilitador das iniciativas de desenvolvimento local
This work focuses on the characterization of entrepreneur profile, to turn easier the Local Development initiatives. It starts from the assumption that knowing the variables that build the entrepreneur profile can efficiently offers training to community members that have the requested profile, increasing possibilities of success and, therefore, helping loca
Publicado em: 2007
The present study aims to identify how the dimensions, criteria and values related to sustainability are realized territorially in the local community of Rio das Ostras. The study covers the Management Plan of Conservation Units in the city, with emphasis on the Municipal Park of the Birds and the Costa Azul beach urban development and landscaping model.
Publicado em: 2009