Longitudinal Gradient
Mostrando 1-12 de 67 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Electrical coupling of circular muscle to longitudinal muscle and interstitial cells of Cajal in canine colon.
1. Electrical communication between circular muscle, longitudinal muscle and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) was investigated; the hypothesis was tested that the resting membrane potential (RMP) gradient in the circular muscle of canine colon is caused by electrical coupling to neighbouring cells. 2. Isolated longitudinal muscle exhibited spike-like action
2. Gradiente longitudinal na estrutura da assembleia de peixes de um reservatório de acumulação: Capivari
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações do UNIOESTE. Publicado em: 2012
3. Estrutura e variação espacial da ictiofauna em um reservatório do semiárido brasileiro
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFERSA. Publicado em: 2013
4. Estrutura e variação espacial da ictiofauna em um reservatório do semiárido brasileiro
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFERSA. Publicado em: 2013
5. Fish habitat associations along a longitudinal gradient in a preserved coastal Atlantic stream, Brazil
ABSTRACT Habitat conditions at multiple scales are one of the major factors structuring ichthyofauna. Thus, we analyzed the fish habitat associations along the headwater-mouth gradient of a coastal Atlantic stream. We categorized the sampling sites into habitat units, so that in the middle reach these categories were statistically differentiated into riffles
Zoologia (Curitiba). Publicado em: 01/02/2018
6. Influence of the river flow on the structure of fish assemblage along the longitudinal gradient from river to reservoir
Changes in fish assemblage structure along a longitudinal gradient of the Paraíba do Sul River and Funil reservoir were studied to detect distribution patterns and the seasonal influence of the inflowing river. Fish were caught by gill nets in three zones (riverine, transition and lentic) during two seasons (dry and wet). A total of 3,721 individuals were c
Zoologia (Curitiba). Publicado em: 2010-10
7. A simple theory for vibration of MRI gradient coils
Vibrations of a string can provide a model for vibrations of MRI coil assemblies. The string model for the vibrations of MRI coils is presented, and compared with experimental results. Gradient coils exhibit resonant modes because of the finite coil length, l, and the elasticity of materials that comprise the assembly. The resonance frequencies depend on l a
Brazilian Journal of Physics. Publicado em: 2006-03
8. Experimental Study of Transmission and Reflection Characteristics of a Gradient Array of Metamaterial Split-Ring Resonators
Abstract A study of a non-uniform metamaterial array consisting of six split-ring resonators of varying diameters is conducted experimentally to measure the transmission and reflection characteristics that arise from asymmetry in the longitudinal direction. Such characteristics are examined and compared with their counterpart symmetric scattering coefficient
J. Microw. Optoelectron. Electromagn. Appl.. Publicado em: 2016-12
9. Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties in Directionally Solidified Sn–10.2 Sb Peritectic Alloy at a Constant Temperature Gradient
The Sn–10.2 Sb (mass fraction) peritectic alloy was prepared using a vacuum melting furnace and a hot filling furnace. The samples were directionally solidified upwards at steady state conditions with a constant temperature gradient (G=4.5±0.2 K. mm-1) under different growth velocities (V=13.3–266.7 µm. s-1) in a Bridgman-type directional solidificatio
Mat. Res.. Publicado em: 23/02/2016
10. Estructuras de titanio con gradiente de porosidad – fabricación por el método de partículas espaciadoras y caracterización
ABSTRACT It has proposed the use of porous titanium to reduce the problem of mechanical incompatibility, which occurs between such material used in implants and bone. The pores introduction in titanium decreases its elastic modulus by bringing it closer to that of both cortical and trabecular bones. This paper describes titanium fabrication by powder metallu
Matéria (Rio J.). Publicado em: 19/07/2018
11. Longitudinal Aerodynamic and Stability Characteristics of High-Aspect-Ratio Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Gust Response
ABSTRACT The aim of this work is to propose an accurate and reliable numerical simulation method of gust response, so as to analyze longitudinal stability characteristics of high-aspect-ratio unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) under gust response. Based on the dual-time stepping method, the unsteady Navies-Stokes equation was solved. By introducing grid velocit
J. Aerosp. Technol. Manag.. Publicado em: 03/06/2019
12. A longitudinal gradient of synaptic drive in the spinal cord of Xenopus embryos and its role in co-ordination of swimming.
1. Intersegmental co-ordination in Xenopus embryos could be influenced by longitudinal gradients in neuronal properties or synaptic drive. To determine if such gradients exist intracellular recordings were made from putative motoneurones at different spinal levels. 2. No evidence was found of a longitudinal gradient in neuronal resting potentials. In a rostr