Memory And Social History
Mostrando 1-12 de 281 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. A cidade lembrada: um estudo sobre a memória subjetiva e social / Not informed by the author
This thesis intends to study the subjective and social memory of the city Paraopeba-MG. With this purpose, interviews with the elderly Mr. Antônio, Mr. José, Ms. Geralda and Ms. Maria Stella were used. The memories brougt by them let the city be revealed in new subjective and social perspectives. Through dialogs established between researcher and the elder
Publicado em: 2011
2. A cloth soaked in tension: the elementary forms of memory Sinditêxtil - Bahia. / Um tecido encharcado de tensões: as formas elementares da memória do SINDITÊXTIL Bahia.
This work has as purpose to analyze the social memory of Sinditêxtil - Bahia. We understand memory as an important dimension that comprises the social classes and we sought to investigate the different variations that memory can take within a same group, highlighting the way how the social fitting of memory was carried out from cultural experiences such as
Publicado em: 2009
3. Memória empresarial e memória sindical: movimentos hegemônicos e contra hegemônicos de um campo em disputa (1980-2013)
Repositório Institucional da UFU. Publicado em: 2013
4. Filigranas da memória: história e memória nas comemorações dos centenários de Canudos: (1993-1997)
In contrast with the organization of establishing landmarks for the predominant political memory in Brazil, the commemorations of Canudos War centennials provided the comprehension of emerging alternate voices to the instituted memory. Intimately linked to different political projects of past reconstruction, these commemorations produced, in the 1990s, an in
Publicado em: 2006
5. O ensino de história e os movimentos sociais: práticas de história local nos assentamentos do Conde
This study aims to realize practical teaching of local history in rural settlements in the municipality of Conde, in the state of Paraiba. To do so, the action contextualized, both the teaching of history, as the rural social movements in a period of increased repression in the history of Brazil: the military dictatorship of 1964. On the assumption of non-ne
Publicado em: 2008
6. Contribuições da memória para uma história da psicologia no serviço público em Campinas / Contributions of the memory for a history of psychology in the public service in Campinas
This work intended to contribute to Brazilian Psychology historiography, from the memory of psychology professionals that had initiated, in the decade of 1970, psychology activities in the municipal public services of Campinas SP. One searched to establish connections between Campinas and the country historical context and the beginning of psychology activit
Publicado em: 2005
7. As religiÃes afro-brasileiras: memÃria, identidade e urbanidade / African-Brazilian religious: memory, identity and urbanity
This paper addresses the traditions of the African-Brazilian religious who remained in urban territory over the years of growth and expansion of the urban city of Sao Paulo. Two subjects are addressed: the social conditions of the history of African-Brazilian religions in the development of the SÃo Paulo metropolis and the legitimacy of these religious prac
Publicado em: 2010
8. Memoria e historia na formação da identidade sem terra no assentamento Conquista na Fronteira / Memory and history in the formation of the landless identity in the Settement Conquista in the Fronteira
The Landless Workers Movement are a Brazilian social movement that fights for a new and fairer land distribution, looking for social justice and productivity raise. This thesis brings exhaustive study about the Landless Workers from Conquista da Fronteira, SC, Brazil, especially their history and memories related to their identity conception. The research, a
Publicado em: 2007
9. O Serviço Social e o debate sobre tempo, história e memória
Resumo: Este artigo é fruto de inquietações sobre o uso dos conceitos de tempo, história e memória na produção teórica do Serviço Social como categorias que desvendam a realidade e a profissão. Para tanto, parte das análises do historiador François Hartog sobre como a história é construída e pensada no Ocidente, no século XXI, e elege o pensa
Serv. Soc. Soc.. Publicado em: 2019-04
10. A "máquina do tempo": representações do passado, história e memória na sala de aula / The "time machine": Representations of past, History and memory in the classroom
The research investigated historical learning aspects based on the work with the cultural patrimony. The objective was to identify and to analyze the representations of children about time, past and history during the work with historical concepts about to the past of the local community, having the memory and history of the school and of the neighborhood as
Publicado em: 2006
11. Memória, história e literatura em autores de formação modernista / Memory, history and literatue in training modernist authors
Considering the role of memory in the construction of literary discourse, this study analyzes the writing of memory as rebuilding works in Infância, Graciliano Ramos, Doidinho, José Lins do Rego, Boitempo, Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Vintém de Cobre: meias confissões de Aninha, Cora Coralina, the authors analyze how these resume passed to the constitu
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 17/04/2012
12. AIDS, memory and the history of medicine: musings on the Canadian response.
This paper presents the history of AIDS in Canada with special attention to epidemiology, public policy, and social commentary. The interest in medical history sparked by the epidemic is studied in relation to its impact on public health measures. Conversely, the impact of the disease itself on the history of medicine is examined. AIDS seems to have had a gr