Mostrando 1-12 de 1278 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Effect of titanium and nitrogen inoculation on the microstructure, mechanical properties and abrasive wear resistance of Hadfield Steels
Abstract The effect of titanium and nitrogen addition on Hadfield steels was investigated. In order to do this, two grades of steels were produced in terms of titanium and nitrogen addition. The final samples had their microstructure characterized and their mechanical properties were evaluated by uniaxial tensile and Charpy impact tests. Furthermore, the wea
REM, Int. Eng. J.. Publicado em: 2020-03
2. Numerical Simulation of Hot Closed Die Forging of a Low Carbon Steel Coupled with Microstructure Evolution
Hot closed die forging is a regular process applied to manufacture metallic components used in supporting and fixing cable conductors in electric power transmission lines. In this forming process, the final microstructure of the workpiece depends on the control of several processing parameters. In this study, simulation of the industrial forging process of a
Mat. Res.. Publicado em: 2015-02
3. Effects of Macrosegregation and Microstructure on the Corrosion Resistance and Hardness of a Directionally Solidified Zn-5.0wt.%Mg Alloy
This study aims to analyze the influence of macrosegregation on microstructure evolution, and of microstructure length scale on the corrosion resistance of a Zn-5.0wt.%Mg alloy casting. The analyzed samples were taken along the length of castings unidirectionally solidified in unsteady state conditions of heat extraction. Microstructure characterization, mic
Mat. Res.. Publicado em: 05/09/2019
4. Caracterização e análise macro e microestrutural de concretos fabricados com cimentos contendo escórias de alto-forno
The worldwide concern with the sustainable development has placed restrictions on the use of raw materials and on gas emissions in the atmosphere. In this scenario, the Brazilian cement industry has made significant changes in Portland cement compositions. These changes include the increasing proportions of mineral additions such as blast-furnace slag. These
Publicado em: 2007
5. Tri-modal Microstructure in Different Loading Zones Under TA15 Ti-alloy Isothermal Local Conventional Forging and Given Subsequent Heat Treatment
For TA15 Ti-alloy large-scale component, isothermal local conventional forging (ILCF) combined with subsequent heat treatment provides a feasible approach to obtain a tri-modal microstructure with attractive comprehensive performance. However the tri-modal microstructure characteristics and evolution laws in the first and second loading zones are lack of und
Mat. Res.. Publicado em: 10/06/2019
6. Effect of Track Overlap on the Microstructure and Properties of the CoCrMoSi PTA Coatings
Broadly speaking, the research and design of coatings are generally studied by way of single-track deposits; otherwise, the development of a coated part entails the understanding of how multi-track welding influences the microstructure and properties of the surface. This study evaluated the effect of track overlap on the microstructure and properties of the
Mat. Res.. Publicado em: 2015-06
7. Effects of addition of iron (Fe) filings to green moulding sand on the microstructure of grey cast iron
Cast irons are important engineering materials, which possess a wide range of attractive properties. Their properties are significantly dependent on the microstructure of the cast, cast iron components. A way of controlling the microstructure of cast iron is through the control of cooling rates during solidification. To control cooling rate mould properties
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. Publicado em: 2010-06
8. Investigation of sintered cobalt-zinc ferrite synthesized by coprecipitation at different temperatures: a relation between microstructure and hysteresis curves
The magnetic properties of sintered samples of cobalt-zinc ferrites produced from the corresponding coprecipitate were calculated based on hysteresis curves (Hc). The Hc values confirmed that soft ferrites were obtained by the procedure. A possible relation between the magnetic hysteresis curves and the microstructure of the sintered samples was investigated
Materials Research. Publicado em: 2006-09
9. Effect of processing on microstructure and properties of CoCrMoSi alloy
CoCrMoSi alloys microstructure is affected by processing and their properties have been associated with the high volume fraction of Laves phase. However, not much has been reported on the effect of structure refinement and morphology on the properties of these alloys. This paper evaluates a CoCrMoSi alloy processed by centrifugal casting and Plasma Transferr
Mat. Res.. Publicado em: 29/07/2013
10. Study of Pipeline Steels with Acicular Ferrite Microstructure and Ferrite-bainite Dual-phase Microstructure
Three kinds of X70 steels with the same chemical composition and different microstructures fabricated by varying processes were compared in aspect of the microstructures and mechanical properties using SEM, TEM and tensile testing machine. The experimental results showed that the steel 1 with acicular ferritic microstructure fabricated by thermal-mechanical
Mat. Res.. Publicado em: 2015-02
11. Effect of Austenitizing Temperature on Mechanical Properties of the Mixed Bainite - Martensite Microstructure in CrMoV Steel
The effect of austenitizing temperature on mechanical properties of the mixed bainite - martensite microstructure in CrMoV steel was studied in the present work. The result showed that at low austenitizing temperature (910°C - 1000°C), the mixed microstructures containing 12-28% volume fraction of lower bainite showed higher yield and tensile strength than
Mat. Res.. Publicado em: 27/11/2017
12. Three-dimensional characterization of pores in Ti-6Al-4V alloy
The direct three-dimensional characterization of opaque materials through serial sectioning makes possible to visualize and better quantify a material microstructure, using classical metallographic techniques coupled with computer-aided reconstruction. Titanium alloys are used as biomaterials for bone implants because of its excellent mechanical properties,
Materials Research. Publicado em: 01/04/2011