Mobile Restrictions
Mostrando 1-12 de 12 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Serviços baseados na localização do usuário em um ambiente móvel
In the recent development stage of wireless devices, infra-structure and related technologies, demand for availability of useful services and applications is growing quickly. The cellular communication network, one of the most propelling impulses of the market, is already enabling the development of data access technologies. However, either with facilities o
Publicado em: 2001
2. PrÃ-seleÃÃo e prÃ-carga de dados para bancos de dados mÃveis
One of the main goals of mobile data access is to reach the ubiquity inherent to the mobile systems: to access information regardless of time and place. Due to mobile systems restrictions such as, for instance, limited memory and narrow bandwidth, it is only natural that researchers expend efforts to soothe such issues. This work will approach issues regardi
Publicado em: 2005
3. The determinants of HMO enrollment and growth.
This paper analyzes why HMO enrollment and growth have varied greatly among states. Using Tobit analysis, a number of variables are related to state HMO market share in 1976 and the change in HMO market share from 1966 to 1976. Higher hospital costs and mobile populations are shown to have encouraged HMO development. There is some evidence that the extent of
4. A Proposal of UML Extensions for Modeling of Applications in Mobile Environments for Service Oriented Applications / Uma Proposta de Extensões à UML para Modelagem de Aplicações em Ambientes Móveis para Aplicações Orientadas a Serviços
With the great growth of the use of mobile devices (laptop, palmtop, or some type Digital Personal Assistants (PDA)), a new paradigm computing appeared: the mobile computing. The new paradigm allows the users of that environment to have access to services independent of their location, in other words, it allows the mobility. They are being made several studi
Publicado em: 2008
5. O uso de SMS em sala de aula de língua inglesa: limites e possibilidades
This study was based on the investigation of Short Message Service SMS as an aid in the English language classroom. Our goal was to analize the limits and possibilities embedded in the emergent context of learning with mobility: mobile learning or m-learning. The scenario of this research was a private language school. The theoretical framework of this study
Publicado em: 2008
6. Ajax : an adaptive join algorithm for extreme restrictions
Resumo: Uma Comunidade de Bancos de Dados Móveis (MDBC) representa uma coleção de bancos de dados móveis e autônomos. Em tal contexto, cada usuário de um sistema de banco de dados participante da comunidade pode acessar os outros bancos de dados através de uma infra-estrutura de comunicação sem fio. A utilização de técnicas tradicionais para proc
Publicado em: 2008
The strategy adopted by mobile phone operators in Brazil in recent years brought about great growth to these companies. However, it harmed their operation yield levels, and hence it is important that they seek new alternatives to rethink their trajectory of growth, fitting to an already established market. Historically, the relationship with prepaid customer
Publicado em: 2007
8. The Alkali Ion-DNA Interaction as Reflected in the Nuclear Relaxation Rates of 23Na and 87Rb
Longitudinal relaxation rates of 23Na and 87Rb in aqueous solutions of DNA were measured and interpreted in terms of contributions of “bound” and free species. The frequency dependence of the 23Na relaxation rate sets an upper limit of 5.5 nsec for the correlation time characteristic of the alkali ion-DNA interaction. The plausible description of the alk
9. Detecção e rastreamento de íris para implementação de uma interface homem-computador
Este trabalho apresenta uma técnica de detecção e rastreamento de íris para ser utilizada em uma interface homem-computador que permita pessoas com mobilidade restrita, inclusive sem mobilidade nos ombros, possam controlar o cursor do mouse com o movimento dos olhos, sem a necessidade de adquirir equipamentos caros. A única entrada de dados utilizada é
Publicado em: 2010
10. Um estudo para redução do tempo de resposta do SAMU de Belo Horizonte através da realocação das bases de operação
The demand for services and goods with a high degree of efficiency and effectiveness are essential prerequisites for modern organizations. In healthcare to be efficient and effective means, among other things, contribute to the reduction of disability and also the maintenance of human life. In this study, the Service for Mobile Emergency in the city of Belo
Publicado em: 2011
11. Tecnicas de otimização para o interpretador da K virtual machine
Mobile and customizable devices are increasingly becoming important items in our lives. Cellular phones, personal organizers, service terminaIs have many characteristics in com- mon such as limited functionality, size and cost restrictions and specially are an expanding market. To attend this demanding market, Sun Microsystems Inc. extended the scope of the
Publicado em: 2003
12. Alocação global de registradores de endereçamento para referencias a vetores em DSPs
The technological advances in computing systems have stimulated the growth of the embedded systems market, which is continuously becoming more ordinary in people s lives, for example in mobile phones, palmtops and automotive control systems. Because of their characteristics, these new applications demand the combination of low cost, high performance and low
Publicado em: 2002