Models Of Policy Analysis
Mostrando 1-12 de 125 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. A new decision sciences for complex systems
Models of complex systems can capture much useful information but can be difficult to apply to real-world decision-making because the type of information they contain is often inconsistent with that required for traditional decision analysis. New approaches, which use inductive reasoning over large ensembles of computational experiments, now make possible sy
National Academy of Sciences.
2. Computational organization science: A new frontier
Synthetic adaptation is the process whereby any entity composed of intelligent, adaptive, and computational agents is also an intelligent, adaptive, and computational agent. Because of synthetic adaptation, organizations, like the agents of which they are composed, are inherently computational. We can gain insight into the behavior of groups, organizations,
National Academy of Sciences.
3. Policy analysis from first principles
The argument of this paper is predicated on the view that social science should start with observation and the specification of a problem to be solved. On that basis, the appropriate properties and conditions of application of relevant tools of analysis should be defined. Evidence is adduced from data for sales volumes and values of a disparate range of good
National Academy of Sciences.
4. Tools and techniques for developing policies for complex and uncertain systems
Agent-based models (ABM) are examples of complex adaptive systems, which can be characterized as those systems for which no model less complex than the system itself can accurately predict in detail how the system will behave at future times. Consequently, the standard tools of policy analysis, based as they are on devising policies that perform well on some
National Academy of Sciences.
5. Instituições participativas e políticas públicas: uma nova literatura para a agenda de pesquisa
Repositório Institucional da UFSCAR. Publicado em: 2013
6. Clinical judgment in rheumatoid arthritis. II. Judging 'current disease activity' in clinical practice.
Two rheumatologists made judgments about 'current disease activity' in real patients and 'paper patients' with rheumatoid arthritis. Analysis of each set of judgments provides a model of judgment policy which contains only 3 clinical variables but explains over 94% of the variance in judgments. The judgment policy models differ markedly from each other and f
7. Eleições e desempenho macroeconômico na América Latina (1979-1998)
This article presents an analysis of the different theoretical models for the relationship between elections and economics, as well as econometric tests applied to GDP and employment trends in Latin American democracies from 1979 to 1998. Considering that a government’s possibilities for pushing its policy objectives forward depends on its agenda power, th
Dados. Publicado em: 2001
8. Models for government-nonprofits partnerships: a comparative analysis of policies for AIDS, social assistance and culture in Brazil
Resumo Este estudo contribui para a pesquisa sobre modelos de parceria, comparando diferentes áreas de política, testando as tipologias existentes e desenvolvendo novas formas de análise para o contexto brasileiro. A literatura sobre parcerias em relação ao setor sem fins lucrativos está focada na grande diversidade dessas organizações e nos tipos de
Rev. Adm. Pública. Publicado em: 11/11/2019
9. Settlement is more than a project: the technical assistance in rural settlements / Assentamento é mais que um projeto: a assistência técnica nos assentamentos rurais.
The present study analyzes the existing conflicts between the settled people and the public policy agents, specially the technicians, whose job is to supply technical assistance to the rural settlements. Looking back to the history of the policy of technical assistance and rural extension in Brazil, it was verified that it reflects disputes between different
Publicado em: 2007
10. Clinical judgment in rheumatoid arthritis. IV. Rheumatologists' assessments of disease remain stable over long periods.
Seven rheumatologists made judgments about the improvement or deterioration of identical sets of 50 'paper' patients on two occasions one year apart. The stability of their judgments over one year (rs = 0.70) compared favourably with the reliability of duplicate judgments on each occasion (rs = 0.76). Multiple regression analysis of the patient data in relat
11. Public policy implementation : a view from the federal level: policy for adolescent s in conflict with law in Brazil / Implementação de politica publica : uma leitura a partir da esfera federal: politica de atendimento do adolescente em conflito com a lei no Brasil
In this thesis, public policy implementation has been approached based on policy analysis and theoretical public policy reference applications as developed in Brazil. The research herein refers to the implementation of public policies in enforcing adolescent out-laws from a perspective of human rights driven towards the protection of children and adolescents
Publicado em: 2008
12. Características da implementação do sistema de avaliação da educação superior (SINAES) em instituições de ensino superior.
The objective of this study was to examine the process of implementing the national policy of higher education evaluation (Sinaes), based on case studies of two institutions of higher education (IHE), of intermediate size:one public, a Federal Center of Technological Education (Cefet) and the other private, a University Center, both located in the Northeast
Publicado em: 2009