Mostrando 1-12 de 725 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. A teoria da modernização ecológica : uma avaliação crítica dos fundamentos teóricos
Critical Evaluation of the Theoretical Foundations of the Theory of Ecological Modernization. The purpose of this work is to present a critical theoretical analysis of the conceptual bases of the Theory of Ecological Modernization. While doing this, I also dig deeper in search of some theoretical notions related to the institutional continuities and transfor
Publicado em: 2009
2. Um modelo de governança de tic para o processo de modernização das serventias extrajudiciais no Brasil
Brazils public delegate services offices are involved in a collective modernization process whose main objective is to simplify and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the services provision through the use of emerging management models and technologies in order to provide the services electronically. The modernization process relies heavily on Infor
Publicado em: 2009
3. Extensões do metamodelo KDM para apoiar modernizações orientadas a aspectos de sistemas legados
Maintaining legacy systems is a complex and expensive activity for many companies. A recently proposal to solve this problem is Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM), proposed by Object Management Group (OMG). The ADM consists of a set of concepts and standard metamodels that support systems modernization using models. The Knowledge Discovery Metamodel (KD
Repositório Institucional da UFSCAR. Publicado em: 2014
4. A invenção da cidade: Governador Valadares na trilha da modernização (1960-1970)
This dissertation is a research of the city of Governador Valadares (Minas Gerais) in the period between 1960 and 1970, attempting to identify modernization projects present discourses produced by the press - articles, advertisements, news - and the authorities public - reports , letter, and municipal ordinances. These discourses represent the city evenly, a
Repositório Institucional da UFU. Publicado em: 2014
5. A concepção de modernização na política de cooperação técnica entre o MEC e a USAID
The goal of this study is an attempt to understand the meanings of the modernization concepts historically constructed and to analyze critically the relationship between the modernization discourse and the effectiveness of educational policies proposed by the USAID. The concept of modernization discussed was focused on the technical and financial aspects of
Publicado em: 2008
6. A modernização do processo de trabalho no subsetor de edificações : virtualidades e limites
The main aim of this study is to anal yes the branch of activity of habitat ional buildings. Seeking to identify the possible changes promoted by the modernization of the working process in terms of technological and organizational innovations. And in the social relationships of work. In order to reach this aim. We approached the main elements which are pres
Publicado em: 1996
7. A dialética da modernização conservadora e a nova história do Brasil
In this article, we propose that the so-called "conservative modernization" has been completed in Brazil. Dialectically, success led to overcoming both the conservative modernization itself and the "regulated order" before a new integrative institutional frame could be fully developed. In advancing this argument, we review the recent literature on the agrari
Dados. Publicado em: 2002
8. The implications of the conservative modernization process in the structure and agricultural activities in the Central-South Region of Goias / As implicações do processo de modernização conservadora na estrutura e nas atividades agropecuarias da Região Cetro-Sul de Goias
The purpose of this research is to understand the implications of the modernization process in the conservative structure and agricultural activities in the central-south region of the state of Goiás. For this, the view taken is that the central-south region of Goiás is a specific case, but not only of the process of modernization conservative and not even
Publicado em: 2008
9. Modernization of the State apparatus, socio-economic indicators, State of Bahia / A experiência de modernização da administração pública do estado da Bahia nos últimos cinquenta anos (1995 a 2004)
In the last decades there has been a strong trend for the modernization of the apparatus of the Brazilian State in which the planning of the actions starts to hold a special position in public management. At the same time, in a causal relation, it is possible to observe a process of consolidation of the democratic institutions which allows the social agents
Publicado em: 2006
10. Bye bye Brasil: a modernização brasileira em tempos de ditadura militar síntese da miséria brasileira
The present work aims the social-historical understanding of the Carlos Diegues movie Bye Bye Brazil, produced in 1979, from the axis of modernization in their historical particularities, namely a specific modernization which excluded the majority of accumulation processes. Thus the work verses about a period in which society has undergone changes in the lif
Publicado em: 2010
11. Os limites da arquitetura, do urbanismo e do planejamento urbano em um contexto de modernização retardatária: as particularidades desse impasse no caso brasileiro / The limits of architecture, urbanism and urban planning in a context of recuperative modernization: the specifics of this deadlock in the brazilian case.
The research subject of this doctoral thesis was the crisis scenario that involves the development of architecture, urbanism and urban planning in Brazil in the period between the second half of the twentieth century and the early years of Century XXI. This finding originated in the analysis of the contradictions between the goals envisioned by the Brazilian
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 05/05/2011
12. Reforma agraria e pequena produção
The process of capitalistic development of agriculture imposes as a tendency for small production the disjunctive between modernization and its annihilation, which may exceptionallv be replaced by survival in precarious conditions. The evolution of technical progresso capital s basic form of domination of all production branches, including agriculture, makes
Publicado em: 1992