Mostrando 1-12 de 1370 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Desempenho escolar e suas relações com a auto-eficacia e a motivação em escolares do ensino fundamental / School performance and their relationship with self-efficacy and motivation
The aim of this study is to investigate existent relationships between schoolchildren performance and the psychological variables self-efficacy and motivation. The research included 141 schoolchildren ranging from 8 to 11 years old in second, third, and fourth grade primary school in a town in the state of São Paulo. Data for this study were obtained from t
Publicado em: 2009
2. Effects of the motivation focus on manual grasping
We have shown before that grasping movements from a given starting position to a given object differ substantially when performed as a typical laboratory task (L) and when they are embedded in an everyday-like context (E). The present study investigates whether this context-dependence is related to the subjects' motivation focus. We manipulated subjects' mot
Psychol. Neurosci.. Publicado em: 2013-12
3. Motivation in tennis
Motivation underpins successful tennis performance, representing one of the game's foremost psychological skills. This paper elaborates on its role in tennis play, and takes an overview of the current state of motivation research applied to tennis. First, the importance of motivation in player and coach performance is explored. The body of evidence pertainin
BMJ Group.
4. Sobre a motivação da sentença no processo civil: Estado constitucional democrático de direito, discurso justificativo e legitimação do exercício da jurisdição
This work, shaped in juridical methodology, critically reflects on the problem of motivation of civil judgment as an element of organization and functioning of the Democratic Constitutional State of Law. Motivation is an essential condition of jurisdiction, in the sense that without motivation there is no legitimate exercise of the jurisdictional function. T
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UERJ. Publicado em: 2014
5. Effect of changes to the formal curriculum on medical students’ motivation towards learning: a prospective cohort study
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: One of the factors known to influence performance in the learning process is student motivation. In turn, students’ motivation can be regulated by a large number of variables relating to the individual (such as sex, age and socioeconomic status) or to aspects of the academic life. OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of this study was to eva
Sao Paulo Med. J.. Publicado em: 10/06/2019
6. Perfis motivacionais e engajamento de adolescentes nas tarefas escolares em casa
Autonomous motivation has been associated with better academic outcomes such as cognitive engagement in classroom tasks when compared with controlled motivation. The aim of this study was to identify relationships between adolescent students motivational profiles to carry out math homework with the use of learning strategies as cognitive engagement. Besides
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 05/08/2011
7. O impacto das tarefas de aprendizagem mediadas pela lousa digital interativa na motivação situacional de aprendizes de inglês
Some authors have suggested that learning tasks conducted in L2 classes can motivate learners in different ways. Similarly, Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) have already been linked as drivers to engagement and enthusiasm in L2 classes, which may cause some impact on affective variables that influence learning (e.g. motivation). This crosssectional mixed-method
Repositório Institucional da UFRN. Publicado em: 2014
8. A motivação como instrumento de controle do ato administrativo
The present study aims at approaching motivation as one of the most important instruments of control of the administrative procedure, whose foundations are a result of the Democratic Rule-of-Law State and other constitutional principles of the Public Administration. For this purpose, beginning from the administrative procedure and from its systematization, m
Publicado em: 2006
9. Washback effect of achievement testing in Brazilian regular education : keeping an eye on motivation to learn EFL / O efeito retroativo da avaliação de rendimento de alunos do ensino fundamental : um olhar sobre a motivação para aprender lingua estrangeira
Achievement testing in English as a foreign language has reflected educational problems in Brazil , such as the lack of students involvement, low achievement and demotivation. Our aim in this research is to approach the interrelation between assessment and motivation to learn EFL. Our specific aims are to know: what is the effect of formative assessment on t
Publicado em: 2009
10. Motivation in school context and academic achievement / Motivação no contexto escolar e desempenho academico
The present research had the objective of investigating the existence of possible relationships between the motivational orientations and the academic achievement of elementary students, as well as investigating whether or not different levels of academic development are tied to different motivational standards 150 countryside public school students aged bet
Publicado em: 2006
11. Motivation, teaching and learning in spanish classes: possible paths. Analysis and intervention in a language study center in São Paulo. / Motivação, ensino e aprendizagem de espanhol: caminhos possíveis. Análise e intervenção num centro de estudos de línguas de São Paulo.
In this work we have studied the motivation of Brazilian students in classes of Spanish as a foreign language, in formal learning contexts. We assume that student motivation is a complex construct which involves factors of various contexts (personal, family, scholastic, social etc.), and which can be influenced by a series of choices which the teacher makes
Publicado em: 2008
12. Más allá de la tarea: pistas para una redefinición del concepto de Motivación Escolar
The work investigates the various approaches to the issue of motivation, and in this context observes and questions the idea of School Motivation that emphasizes the role of tasks, turning the completion of the latter into the motivation to carry out the activities required by the school, instead of stressing the motivation to learn. The author indicates som
Educação e Pesquisa. Publicado em: 2007-12