Phytosociological Survey
Mostrando 1-12 de 41 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Levantamento fitossociológico de plantas daninhas na cultura do girassol.
Planta Daninha. Publicado em: 2011
2. Mudanças estruturais e florísticas do estrato herbáceo-arbustivo em campo sujo e campo limpo úmido na fazenda Água Limpa-DF após sete anos
Changes in floristic composition and structure of the herbaceous and shrub layer of campo sujo and campo limpo úmido (moist grassland) at the Fazenda Água Limpa, DF were studied between September 1999 and February 2001 and between August 2006 and August 2007. For the phytosociological survey lines were randomly sampled in both areas. The first inventory wa
Publicado em: 2008
3. Availability and use of woody plants in a agrarian reform settlement in the cerrado of the state of Goiás, Brazil
Protected areas are important sources providing plant resources for human populations, and contributing to the livelihood and income of families. To test the ecological apparency hypothesis, that there is positive relationship between the visibility of a species and its use, we conducted an ethnobotanical survey in the protected area of the Itaúna rural set
Acta Bot. Bras.. Publicado em: 2013-09
4. Composição floristica e fitossociologia de fisionomias de vegetação de cerrado sensu lato da Estação Ecologica de Santa Barbara, estado de São Paulo
A floristic and phytosociological survey was carried out in the Ecological Station of Santa Bárbara (Instituto Florestal do Estado de São Paulo), at municipality of Águas de Santa Bárbara, state of São Paulo. The phytosociological studies was carried out in the physiognomies of cerrado ss and cerradão. It was installed 30 quadrats with 10m X 20m (200m2
Publicado em: 1991
5. A vegetação no município de Ventania (Paraná, Brasil)
The municipality of Ventania is located in the central part of the Tibagi river basin which has mixed forests with typical components of the semi-deciduous seasonal forest and the mixed rain forest, besides the riverine areas, the fields and savannah. The mixed rain forest parts located in altitudes above 1000-1200m are called upper montane forests. The alti
Publicado em: 2006
6. Estudo floristico e fitossociologico de um trecho de mata ciliar do Rio Paraguai, Pantanal-MS, e suas relações com o regime de inundação
A floristic and phytosociological study was carried out in a galIery forest of the Paraguay river near Corumbá and Ladário - MS, Brazil. Structural aspects of the forest were correlated to the flooding of the river, and the dynamics and some caracteristics of dispersion of the species were evaluated. The floristic survey comprised an area of about 22 km al
Publicado em: 1997
7. Palm (Arecaceae) Communities in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: a Phytosociological Study
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to improve our understanding of the structure and composition of native palm communities in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. This study was carried out at “Parque Estadual da Serra Furada” (PAESF), a protected area located in southern state of Santa Catarina. A palm community survey was carried out in Dense Ombrophilous F
Floresta Ambient.. Publicado em: 23/09/2019
8. Floristica, fitossociologia e caracterização sucessional em uma floresta estacional semidecidual : Mata da Virginia,Matão, SP
This work was developed in the mata da Virgínia, with 2.072,64ha, being one of the biggest remnants of semidecidual stational forest of the São Paulo state, situated in a farmer named Cambuhy between the cities of Matão and Tabatinga ( 48°. 30 W e 21°.35 5). Different physiognomy were identified in the forest from the analysis of aerial photos and some
Publicado em: 1997
9. Recuperação de áreas degradadas por meio da recomposição da cobertura vegetal e oasificação por nanobacias na Microrregião do Seridó Paraibano.
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFCG. Publicado em: 2012
10. Forests of the Iguaçu National Park: Structure, Composition, and Richness
Abstract Considering the importance of the Iguaçu National Park for the conservation of the Atlantic Forest and the absence of scientific or technical studies characterizing the ecology of forest species after seven and a half decades of its existence, a phytosociological survey of the arboreal vegetation was conducted to identify the various existing spec
Floresta Ambient.. Publicado em: 13/12/2018
11. Produção de feijão-caupi e levantamento fitossociológico na savana de Roraima
This study aims to evaluate the production of Cowpea cultivar Aracê and perform the phytosociological survey of spontaneous plants before and after planting of cowpea, in the first year of agricultural exploitation, in a savannah from Roraima state. The variables related to the components of Cowpea production and the phytosociological survey of the spontane
LOCUS Repositório Institucional da UFV. Publicado em: 2014
12. Uso de madeiras da Mata Atlântica em construções históricas no Rio de Janeiro
The arrival of the Europeans to Brazil marks the intense exploitation of the Atlantic Rain Forest resources, targeted primarily for use by the Crown, and later to the settlements of the colony. Information on the use of wood in the Brazilian colonial period (1630-1822) is scarce and dispersed. Thus, this study aims to do a cross-reference using three differe
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UERJ. Publicado em: 2014