Post Harvest
Mostrando 1-12 de 289 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Extrato de própolis na conservação pós-colheita de frutas
The coatings are one of the newest alternatives to aid in food preservation. The coatings have excellent barrier properties, especially gas exchange and water vapor, which contributes to maintaining the quality post-harvest fruits. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of coating with propolis extract on the physico-chemical characteristics of pa
LOCUS Repositório Institucional da UFV. Publicado em: 2014
2. Conservation of crisp lettuce in different post-harvest storage conditions
ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to evaluate the post-harvest quality and the final storage time of the hydroponic crisp lettuce ‘Brida’, conditioned in different types of plastic packaging and environments. The statistical design was a completely randomized 3x2 factorial design, with 3 types of packages (control (without plastic packaging), perf
Rev. Ceres. Publicado em: 2020-08
3. Realtion between the periodo of after-harvest and the Degree-Teams in the rucula cooling. / Relação entre o periodo de pos-colheita e o degree-time no resfriamento de rucula.
The shelf life of perishable products, like vegetables, is truly connected with the post harvest processes to which they were submitted. The refrigeration and post harvest storage of those products are processes that can increase their life time, minimizing the loss of the sensorial and nutritional characteristics, compared to the fresh-cut product. The degr
Publicado em: 2005
4. Notes on Ceratocystis paradoxa causing internal post-harvest rot disease on immature coconut in Brazil
Currently there is a large and increasing demand for immature coconuts for fresh consumption of their liquid endosperm (coconut water). The occurrence of post-harvest diseases prevent its sale and change the taste, making it inappropriate for consumption. In 2011, coconut fruits showing internal post-harvest rot symptoms were found in a market in Belo Horizo
Trop. plant pathol.. Publicado em: 2013-04
5. Storage of seedless table grapes exposed to high CO2 concentrations for short period followed by controlled atmosphere, associated or not with pre-harvest application of CaCI2 or CIO2 : Conservação de uvas apirências submetidas a curta exposição de altas concentrações de CO2, seguida de armazenamento sob atmosfera controlada, associada ou não à aplicação de CaCI2 ou CIO2 na pré colheita
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Publicado em: 2013
6. Post-harvest citrus diseases: Potential of the Lentinula edodes, Agaricus blazei, jasmonic acid, mesocarp (Citrus sinensis var. Valência) and epicarp (Citrus aurantifolia var. Tahiti) in the control and in the resistance induction / Doenças pós-colheita em citros: potencial do Lentinula edodes, Agaricus blazei, ácido jasmônico, albedo (Citrus sinensis var. Valência) e flavedo (Citrus aurantifolia var. Tahiti) no controle e na indução de resistência
Brazil is considered the biggest citrus producer and the biggest orange juice exporter. Post-harvest diseases represent a great loss in the citriculture, and for many fruits to be exported they should be free of chemical residues. In relation to some pathogens of importance in post-harvest it can be mentioned Guignardia citricarpa (black-spot-ofcitrus), Peni
Publicado em: 2006
7. Caracterização físico-química e purificação de enzimas amilolíticas de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cv. Zolhudinha / Characterization physical-chemistry and purification of amylolytic enzymes from cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cv.Zolhudinha
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a root from a native plant, cultivated in South América, that is hightly perish on the post-harvest time. The mechanisms of the root deterioration are due to enzymatic and oxidative reactions as well as the microbiological attack. In this work were studied roots of Zolhudinha variety, EMBRAPA - IM 158, cultivated in Ama
Publicado em: 2005
8. Eficiência da colheita mecanizada do algodão em diferentes épocas e aplicação de desfolhantes
Losses are influenced by several factors, among which stand out the plant height, harvest speed, adjustment of harvester amount of plants and bolls per square meter, number of open bolls, humidity during harvest and other factors, which which contribute to losses in the order of 6% to 12%. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of mechani
Repositório Institucional da UFMT. Publicado em: 2014
9. Post-harvest characterization of ‘Prata’ banana cultivar grown under different nitrogen and potassium fertilization
Resumo Existem diversas cultivares de banana resistentes à Sigatoka-negra e Fusariose da bananeira; porém, pela falta de informações referentes às características de pós-colheita, muitas são rejeitadas no mercado. A adubação nitrogenada e potássica poderia auxiliar na melhoria das características sensoriais da banana madura; no entanto, pouco se
Rev. Bras. Frutic.. Publicado em: 12/08/2019
10. Monitoring the physical chemical parameters in post-harvest Coffee arabica (Coffea arabica L.) in different stages of maturation. / Monitoramento de parametros fisico-quimicos na pos-colheita de Cafe arabica (Coffea arabica L.) colhido em diferentes estadios de maturação.
Nowadays the quality of coffee became an indispensable aspect for the conquest of new markets. It is known that the quality of coffee is strictly related to diverse physical-chemical constituents of the grain responsible for the characteristic flavor and taste of the drink and this could be compromised for the absence of precaution during the post-harvested
Publicado em: 2008
11. Doenças quiescentes em goiabas: quantificação e controle pós-colheita / Quiescent diseases in guava: quantification and post-harvest control
Post-harvest diseases in guavas may represent damages from 20 to 40%. Environmental conditions and disease management, before or after harvesting, are among their major causes. Standards proposed by the Integrated Production Fruit (IPF) ensure fruit quality and sustainable production with rational use of agrochemicals. Using the white-fleshed variety Kumagai
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 06/11/2012
12. Post-harvest conservation of Passiflora alata fruits under ambient and refrigerated condition
Abstract Brazil is the world's largest producer of passion fruit, a perishable fruit with reduced post-harvest shelf life, which limits its commercialization. For sweet passion fruit, Passiflora alata, there is little information about its postharvest conservation and shelf life under different storage conditions. Thus, the objective of the present study wa
Food Sci. Technol. Publicado em: 07/02/2019