Mostrando 13-24 de 49032 artigos, teses e dissertações.
13. Typology of dairy production systems that meet Brazilian standards for milk quality
ABSTRACT We aimed to compare the typology of dairy production systems (DPS) that meet Brazilian quality standards with that of non-compliant DPS. Semi-structured questionnaires were applied in 128 DPS located in Santa Izabel do Oeste, Paraná, Brazil (25°49'16" S and 53°29'04" W). In addition, milk quality reports of each DPS were analyzed. Dairy productio
R. Bras. Zootec.. Publicado em: 01/04/2019
14. Regulation of Ethylene Biosynthesis in Virus-Infected Tobacco Leaves 1: II. TIME COURSE OF LEVELS OF INTERMEDIATES AND IN VIVO CONVERSION RATES
Ethylene production was stimulated severalfold during the hypersensitive reaction of Samsun NN tobacco to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Exogenous methionine or S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) did not increase ethylene evolution from healthy or TMV-infected leaf discs, although both precursors were directly available for ethylene production. This indicates that ethy
A subsea oil production system allows simultaneous production of several wells with different flow rates when the system has a subsea manifold. In order to balance the different flow rates, the higher production wells have their flow rates reduced via a choking system. As a result, the total flow is lower than the summmation of all individual well flow rates
Publicado em: 2003
16. Environmental signals triggering methylenomycin production by Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2).
Methylenomycin production by Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) may be triggered by either of two environmental signals: alanine growth-rate-limiting conditions and/or an acidic pH shock. The production of this SCP1-encoded antibiotic was studied by using batch and chemostat cultures. Batch cultures indicated a role for both nutritional status and culture pH in i
17. Differential modulation of cytokine production by macrolides: interleukin-6 production is increased by spiramycin and erythromycin.
Antibiotics do not act alone but act in conjunction with the host defense system. In particular, it has been shown that some antibiotics can modify cytokine production. We compared the in vitro effects of three macrolides (roxithromycin, spiramycin, and erythromycin) actively concentrated by leukocytes on interleukin-1 alpha, (IL-1 alpha), IL-1 beta, IL-6, a
18. The Presence of Salt and a Curing Agent Reduces Bacteriocin Production by Lactobacillus sakei CTC 494, a Potential Starter Culture for Sausage Fermentation
The specific conditions in the batter of raw fermented sausages may reduce the efficiency of bacteriocin-producing starter cultures. In this work, using in vitro fermentation, we found that sodium chloride and sodium nitrite interfere with the growth of Lactobacillus sakei CTC 494, an organism which produces the antilisterial bacteriocin sakacin K. Because s
American Society for Microbiology.
19. Optimum mine production rate based on price uncertainty
Abstract The production rate of a mining operation has an important effect on the operational cycle and gross profit, which are often evaluated based on engineering practices. Assessment of the economic performance of mine operations in mining engineering is of great importance because an incorrect production rate can result in significant financial losses.
REM, Int. Eng. J.. Publicado em: 16/09/2019
20. Production of Penicillin Acylase
The production of penicillin acylase by Escherichia coli Ny.I/3-67 has been increased by phenylacetic acid and phenoxyacetic acid, which themselves strongly inhibit the function of this specific enzyme. Other carbonic acids also increased penicillin acylase production, but to a lesser degree; they also weakly inhibited enzyme function. The production of this
21. Influence of Plant Hormones on Ethylene Production in Apple, Tomato, and Avocado Slices during Maturation and Senescence
Ethylene production by tissue slices from preclimacteric, climacteric, and postclimacteric apples was significantly reduced by isopentenyl adenosine (IPA), and by mixtures of IPA and indoleacetic acid, and of IPA, indoleacetic acid, and gibberellic acid after 4 hours of incubation. Ethylene production by apple (Pyrus malus L.) slices in abscisic acid was inc
22. Ethylene and Ethane Production from Sulfur Dioxide-injured Plants 1
After alfalfa (Medicago sativa) seedlings were exposed to approximately 0.7 microliter per liter SO2 for 8 hours, elevated ethylene and ethane production was observed. Ethylene production peaked about 6 hours and returned to control levels by about 24 hours following the fumigation, while ethane production peaked about 36 hours and was still above control le
23. Aplicação do conceito de mentalidade enxuta ao projeto de sistemas de manufatura : estudo de caso
The dissertation reports the state of absorption by the Occident, of the Toytota Production System, known as "Lean Production" through the application of the methodology of "Lean Thinking", It describes the Lean Thinking Methodology through its five principIes namely: Value, Value Chain, Flow, Pulled Production, and Perfection.It describes also the Methodolo
Publicado em: 2000
24. Ammonia production by individual segments of the rat nephron.
Ammonia production was measured directly in 10 segments of the rat nephron to determine the relative importance of the segments as sites of renal ammonia production. Tubules were microdissected from normal rats and rats drinking 0.28 M NH4Cl or 0.28 M NaHCO3 for 3-8 d. The segments were incubated in vitro with and without 2 mM glutamine. Ammonia concentratio