Public Written Consultation
Mostrando 1-5 de 5 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Saúde suplementar: as consultas públicas como mecanismos de accountability da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar
Repositório Institucional da FIOCRUZ (ARCA). Publicado em: 2013
2. Os limites de atuaÃÃo do Poder JudiciÃrio no controle de polÃticas pÃblicas, segundo a jurisprudÃncia do Supremo Tribunal Federal
This work looks for to identify in the doctrine and the jurisprudence of the Supreme Federal Court some explicit limits in the performance of the Judiciary Power in the called judicial control of public politics. The times are not rare where the public managers if see compelled to adopt definitive steps in substances of contrary public politics to the lines
Publicado em: 2009
3. Sobre a criação do Hospital Santa Tereza de Ribeirão Preto: outras raízes de uma história / The Creation of Ribeirão Preto Santa Teresa Hospital: Other History Sources
This study aimed at investigating the creation of Ribeirão Preto Santa Teresa Hospital, in São Paulo State, in the decade of 40, century XX. It was presupposed that the creation of this Hospital occurred because of the relief of the Juqueri Hospital in São Paulo but much more remarkably for social, economic and political reasons. The theoretical mark was
Publicado em: 2001
4. Ocorrência de doenças oportunísticas e utilização de serviços em indivíduos vivendo com o HIV/AIDS: 1986-2002
The natural evolution of HIV infection is a progressive depletion of TCD4 lymphocytes, along with other immune alterations, which leads to the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In AIDS natural history, opportunistic diseases are described, and the co-infection HIV and Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a potential risk for the individuals morbid -mortal
Publicado em: 2008
5. Waiting room group in psycho-oncology in the mastology: an analysis of the contents of patients speeches / Grupo de sala de espera em psico-oncologia na mastologia: estudo das falas das pacientes
The Waiting Room Group (WRG) is defined as a group modality developed in medical clinics, which is directed to patients and their companions while waiting for the medical consultation (or appointment). The WRG discussed in this research refers to one of the extension projects to the community, carried out by the Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal
Publicado em: 2005