Mostrando 1-12 de 121 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Occurrence of involuntary urine loss: exploratory study between puerperae in a philantropic maternity of a city in São Paulo State - Brazil / Estudo exploratório sobre a ocorrência de perda involuntária de urina entre puérperas de uma maternidade filantrópica de município paulista
Urinary incontinence is a symptom that reaches predominantly women and consists in a public health problem. Puerperium is a fragile phase of all pregnancy and puerperium period that receives scarcely attention from health professionals and the there is a lack of national literature about the prevalence of urinary incontinence. In this way, this study aimed t
Publicado em: 2006
2. Puerpério: a ambivalência das estratégias para o cuidado / "Puerperium: The ambivalence of the strategies for the care"
The present research its about a qualitative study which was searching to identify the conducts in the care itself used day by day in purperium, understand the manifestations of it, before orientations of the nursing goup about the care and identify the sign relationship, belief and womans value about the puerperium care, with the culture and the scienti
Publicado em: 2001
3. Womans care experiences: the mothers voice. / VIVÊNCIAS DE CUIDADO DA MULHER: A VOZ DAS PUÉRPERAS.
Puerperium is a period experienced and realized in a singular way by the woman and it requires sensibility and efforts from the health professionals to these women feel valorized and approached as unique and special beings. Thus, this study aimed to comprehend how the woman is experiencing her care in puerperium and was based on the referential theory by Mad
Publicado em: 2008
4. Qualidade de vida no puerpério
Introduction: The human postpartum period is divided into three phases: the immediate postpartum, the early puerperium and the remote puerperium. It brings with it physical, physiological and psychological changes that may affect women´s quality of life (QoL). Objective: to evaluate the QoL of primiparous postpartum women who took a preparatory course for p
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da FAMERP. Publicado em: 2014
5. Incontinencia urinaria no ciclo gravidico-pueral e impacto na qualidade de vida / Urinary incontinence in the pregnancy-perperium cycle and impact in the quality of life
Objectives: to evaluate the urinary incontinence (UI) during the pregnancypuerperium cycle; to verify in which phase of the cycle UI onset occurs; to verify the characteristics of urine loss, the types of UI, and the association between UI and risk factors; and to evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of the puerperas with incontinence. Method:
Publicado em: 2009
6. An account of 335 cases of megaloblastic anaemia of pregnancy and the puerperium
The incidence of megaloblastic anaemia in pregnancy and the puerperium in north Staffordshire has steadily declined as a result of prophylaxis with folic acid. In the presence of advanced folic acid deficiency and with a florid megaloblastic marrow, the anaemia is usually severe, but in many patients the disease is relatively mild and the degree of anaemia i
7. Rubella vaccination in the puerperium.
8. Descrição ultra - sonografica dos sistemas coletores dos rins em gestantes e em mulheres no puerperio imediato
The urinary collecting system (UCS) dilatation is a common occurrence during gestation. The most frequent etiologic factors are: ureteric compression by the enlarged uterus (mechanic theory) and the diminished peristalsis of the ureter in response to an elevated seric progesterone (hormonal theory). Nevertheless the UCS dilatation during gestation is conside
Publicado em: 1996
9. Influência do puerpério e da retenção dos anexos fetais no proteinograma de fêmeas bovinas da raça Holandesa, criadas no Estado de São Paulo / Influence of puerperium and retained fetal membranes on the proteinogram of Holstein cows raised in the State of São Paulo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the puerperal period and retained fetal membranes on the proteinogram of Holstein cows. Two hundred ninety one blood samples were collected from cows through ninety days postpartum. In order to study the physiologic puerperium, blood samples from one hundred two clinically animals, divided in 9 experimen
Publicado em: 2008
10. Período pós-parto: práticas de cuidado adotadas pela puérpera / Postpartum period: care practices adopted by the woman in the puerperium
Puerperium is considered a phase with biological, social and cultural changes often not correctly understood by women, the main reason why requires special attention from professionals, and caregivers networks involved on the care. Literature and professional practice shows that beliefs about postpartum care has a strong relevance in a womans routine and oft
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 08/11/2012
11. Haemodynamic changes during the early puerperium.
12. Intercorrencias fisicas e emocionais no puerperio e suas relações com intervenções na assistencia ao parto / Intercurrences physical and emotional in the puerperium and its relation with intervention to the delivery
The interventions during labor and delivery have been subject of national and international agency debates. In Brazil, health policies has been implemented in order to reduce the rates of surgical delivery, episiotomies, and other birth procedures revealed as inadequate when used without clinical indication. The aim of this study is to identify the relations
Publicado em: 2008