Mostrando 1-12 de 281 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Characterization and anatomical structure alterations of Eucalyptus grandis wood in three refining conditions and effect in technological properties of MDF panels / Caracterização e alterações na estrutura anatômica da madeira do Eucalyptus grandis em três condições de desfibramento e efeito nas propriedades tecnológicas de painéis MDF
Currently is evidenced a great demand of growth in eucalypts MDF panels production in relation with pinus, commonly used in the industry. The present study had the objective to characterize the morphologic components of Eucalyptus grandis wood chips in natura submitted in three different refining conditions (time, pressure and energy), named inte
Publicado em: 2007
2. Extração e purificação de cafeína da casca de café
In 2006, Brazil consolidated its position as the world s largest producer and exporter of coffee, when were produced around 41.573.000 bags (60 kg) of benefited coffee. During the processing of dry coffee fruit, a big amount of coffee husk mass is generated in accordance with coffee variety. Aiming at adding commercial value to coffee husk, this work deals o
Publicado em: 2007
3. "Estudo de caso da preparação da peneira molecular mesoporosa AI-MCM-41."
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFCG. Publicado em: 2013
4. Environmental regulation and technical change in the refining petroleum / Regulação ambiental e mudança tecnica na industria de refino de petroleo : o caso da refinaria de Paulinia
This dissertation discusses the influence of environmental regulation on the adoption of new production techniques and on the improvement of existing techniques in the refining petroleum industry, namely at the Paulínia Refinery (REPLAN). The dissertation describes the techniques adopted in order to fit refining processes into the regulation about environme
Publicado em: 2005
5. Equilibrio de fases em sistemas compostos por triacilglicerois / acidos graxos / etanol hidratado
Vegetable oils contain some components that must be removed during the refining process such as: free fatty acids, phosphatides and metal traces. Free fatty acids are removed by chemical refining or physical refining. The first process is very versatile and applicable for ali raw materiais, but for high acidic oils, great loss of neutral oil may occur. In su
Publicado em: 2002
6. Quality and antioxidant potential of byproducts from refining of fruit pulp
Abstract The potential use of byproducts from fruit processing has been evaluated in order to propose new uses as well as reducing costs and environmental impact. Most of the studies are focused on byproducts from primary transformation. However, byproducts from secondary transformation can reserve similar reuse opportunities. The aim of this study was to c
Food Sci. Technol. Publicado em: 16/04/2018
7. Refinery production planning and scheduling: the refining core business
Intelligent production planning and scheduling are of paramount importance to ensure refinery profitability, logistic reliability and safety at the local and corporate levels. In Brazil, such activities play a particularly critical role, since the Brazilian downstream model is moving towards a demand-driven model rather than a supply-driven one. Moreover, ne
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Publicado em: 2012-06
8. Refino de grão de aluminio comercial por injeção de gases inertes
The transformation of any grain refining method into an useful process one depends on getting through a long chain of factors which begins with the scientific building of the technical body and finishes up with industrial, marketing and other else profitable factors. From the scientific and technologycal point view, this work is searching to give rise to thi
Publicado em: 1982
9. Adequação do processo de fabricação de aço LD, utilizando ferro-gusa líquido com baixo teor de silício
One of the most important variables to the success of steel primary refining is slag volume. Although the volume applied by the steelmakers do not vary so much, a reasonable range to be considered range is 70 until 80kg of slag per ton of liquid steel Silicon input on the total charge of BOF influences strongly the slag volume because the refining process mu
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 25/04/2005
10. Avaliação de componentes minoritarios de oleos vegetais nos processos tecnologicos
We report the effects of individual steps of industrial and laboratorial refining on the alteration of selected minor constituents of oils, such as com, soybean and rapeseed oils such as sterols, steradienes, steryl ester, tocopherols and tocotrienols, polymeric glycerides, trans fatty acids. Total sterols, determined by capillary GC, decreased by 18 to 36%
Publicado em: 1997
11. Scheduling copper refining and casting operations by means of heuristics for the flexible flow shop problem
Management of the operations in a copper smelter is fundamental for optimizing the use of the plant's installed capacity. In the refining and casting stage, the operations are particularly complex due to the metallurgical characteristics of the process. This paper tackles the problem of automatic scheduling of operations in the refining and casting stage of
Pesquisa Operacional. Publicado em: 2011-12
12. Vibrações ultra-sônicas: uma tecnologia alternativa ao refino da celulose branqueada kraft de eucalipto / An alternative technology to the refining of the bleached kraft pulp in eucalyptus
Some technological conditions were studied at laboratory level, so allowing to evaluate the application of the ultrasonic vibrations upon the bleached pulp in eucalyptus as a refining form, as well as their effects on the development of the paper properties. Initially some preliminary tests were accomplished in order to verify either the best time and the po
Publicado em: 2002