Social Project And Communication
Mostrando 1-12 de 114 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. ComunicaÃÃo na disputa pela hegemonia:contradiÃÃes da imprensa sindical
This project analyzes the communication produced by the union movement as a tool for disputing social space and social project construction. It leans over the unions speech with its forms of representation, argumenting structures and dialogical processes of construction . For this purpose its analyzes news articles of two different unions The Federal Judicia
Publicado em: 2006
2. Social work: communications and (In)visibility / Serviço social: comunicação e (in)visibilidade
This study deals with the Social Service visibility issue, which is processed through the communication this profession establishes with the society. Although communications are a basic component in professional performance, the Social Assistants training currently does not contemplate better qualification to understand and, consequently, take better advanta
Publicado em: 2005
Collaborative systems (SiCos) support or enable human interaction online; this involves users communicating not only with the system, but also, and mainly, with each other. Theoretical contributions reveal and empirical studies illustrate and provide evidence of the influence of SiCos on the communication among users (USU communication), the users´ experien
Publicado em: 2006
4. CD-Letras : gênero discursivo, práticas de letramento de identidades
This thesis is a study of the literacy practices that are emerging in the virtual context of Portuguese teaching resulting from the investment of information and communication technologies in a new communication order. I analyse, in a particular way, a CD-ROM distance course of reading and writing named Letras, Textos e Outros Contos Project, proposed for an
Publicado em: 2006
5. Dmitry: uma arquitetura para gestão ágil de projetos no moodle
In recent decades, geographic barriers no longer exist, communication has become faster and affordable and technological tools expanded the power of human information processing, leading to profound economic, social and cultural transformations. Thus, Information and Communication Technologies received critical role in a society that communicates, negotiates
Repositório Institucional da UFS. Publicado em: 2014
6. Mulheres conversando sobre saúde: a experiência de passagem do tempo
This project aims to understand and analyze the narratives of one of the empowerment women groups of the 4th edition of the extension project "Sexual and reproductive rights: talking about Health", focusing on representations about "the experience of the passage of time" for women in present time. This research is a ramification of a project entitled "Sexual
Manancial - Repositório Digital da UFSM. Publicado em: 2014
7. Mulheres conversando sobre saúde: a experiência de passagem do tempo
This project aims to understand and analyze the narratives of one of the empowerment women groups of the 4th edition of the extension project "Sexual and reproductive rights: talking about Health", focusing on representations about "the experience of the passage of time" for women in present time. This research is a ramification of a project entitled "Sexual
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações do UFSM. Publicado em: 2014
8. Quitungo, mídia e cidadania: a política de "mídia e educação" da prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro em uma perspectiva discursiva e comunitária / Kitungo, media and citzenship: The media and education politic of Rio de Janeiro city in a discursive and communitarian perspective
This project aims to analyze the politic of "media and education" from the education department of Rio de Janeiro city (SME-RJ) through the text of several documents and their confrontation with the pedagogic practice. It is visualized, with this, the possibility of education for the "full citizenship" from the social interactions with the media, since the c
Publicado em: 2007
9. Folkcomunicação, ciências sociais e estudos folclóricos : entrelaçamento e embates
This dissertation studies the relationship between the theory of folk communication, formulated in the 1960s by Luis Beltran de Andrade e Lima, the Social Sciences and Folcklore Studies. All these traditions were in folklore a universe for reflection. The objective is to understand the intersections, interactions , entanglements and clashes between folk comm
Repositório Institucional da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (RI-UEM). Publicado em: 2014
10. Estratégias midiáticas na aprendizagem do tema DST/AIDS: ações em rede para reduzir vulnerabilidades de adolescentes e jovens da comunidade de Mãe Luiza, Natal-RN
Youngsters and teenagers are still a very vulnerable group of DST/AIDS. In order to combat this vulnerability the community intervention project being developed in Mãe Luiza neighborhood in the city of Natal-RN, entitled Strengthening Community Action Network for Prevention in HIV/AIDS: knowledge and Intervene emerged, popularly known as Project Viva Mãe L
Repositório Institucional da UFRN. Publicado em: 2014
11. Batalhas simbólicas e controvérsias terminológicas: os discursos de pesquisadores sobre a identidade do campo da Comunicação na área de Comunicação Organizacional
The main aim of this research is to verify the hypothesis according to which the terminologies related to Communication appear among symbolic struggles. The top ten writers of Business Communication mentioned by Google Scholar have their discursive structures analysed. This project is based on a theory in which identities are conceived of as social construct
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 25/03/2011
12. A formação atual do comunicador social no Brasil : ECA/USP um estudo de caso
The purpose of this study was to try to understand the current Social Communicator formation. The research has ECA/USP Social Communication Course as the study case. The analysis focus were the pedagogic projects and the current curriculum structures for Public Relations, Journalism and Advertising courses under the hermeneutics point of view, as well as the
Publicado em: 2006