Students Movement
Mostrando 13-24 de 291 artigos, teses e dissertações.
13. Cómputo simbólico y gráfico: estudio del sistema masa-resorte
In this work we model and simulate the oscillating movement of a system of spring-mass by solving, symbolically and graphically, their differential equations with Maple and compare them to the analytic solution. Our purpose is to offer students a practical guide for the analysis of problems of wave nature using this program computational tool's capabilities.
Rev. Bras. Ensino Fís.. Publicado em: 16/11/2016
14. Os efeitos da utilização de dicas visuais no processo ensino-aprendizagem de habilidades motoras de aprendizes surdos
The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of different visual cues in the swim crawl learning to deaf students. Twenty two students of both sex, between 10 and 17 years of age participate of the study. The research involved two experimental groups (G 1 = cues through model and G2 = cues through figure and model) and three phases (pre-test, learnin
Publicado em: 2004
15. Construir una balanza para condiciones de ingravidez
This work presents the educational treatment of a problem such as 'weighing' bodies where there is no gravity. It looks at the teaching strategies used with the students. These strategies give them the chance to think, produce a hypothesis and analyse results on topics related to the concepts of mass and weight, plus the kinematics and dynamics of simple har
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física. Publicado em: 2011-03
16. Retratos de Goiás: memórias de ex-militantes estudantis goianos sobre a década de 1960
In the early 1990s, the student movement in the State of Goiás was retaken with the publishing of former movement leaders memories, focusing on the period of action (the 1960s), and of political agents in the present of remembering (the 1990s). Firstly, interviews made by researchers from the Universidade Federal de Goiás History Department under the guida
Publicado em: 2006
17. A pedagogia do Movimento Negro em InstituiÃÃes de Ensino em Teresina, PiauÃ: as experiÃncias do IFARADÃ e do Centro Afro-Cultural "Coisa de NÃgo" / The pedagogy of the black movement in institutions of teaching in Teresina, Piaui: the experiences of IFARADA and of Centre Afrocultural "Coisa de Nego"
The study is an analysis of the pedagogical practices developed in some schools by educational agents from IFARADA and the ?Matters of Black People? Afrocultural Center, groups of the Black Movement in Teresina, Piaui, Brazil. Methodological strategies and underlying pedagogical conceptions were identified to determine what influences they had on the teachin
Publicado em: 2007
18. Os conceitos de saúde e de doença: ensino e aprendizagem no ensino fundamental 5 e 8 séries
That dissertation has the focus on the instruction of health and sieness special at 5. and 8. grades. However, to the development of research about the instruction, the conceiptual denonination, was necessary put related between the education matter and the health having. We can say that put two seetors, the health and the education is not na easy work, beca
Publicado em: 2002
19. A produção de sentidos sobre o aprender e ensinar matemática na formação inicial de professores para a educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental / The production of meanings about learning and teaching mathematics in the initial teachers education for early childhood education and early years of elementary school
This research s attempts to answer the problem: "how is the movement of production of meaning about teaching and learning mathematics students from the pedagogy course in the initial training trajectory and how they support the meaning they can produce?" The research is made from a training proposal referenced by Engeström s Activity Theory developed during
Publicado em: 2010
20. EducaÃÃo superior e mercado de trabalho: um estudo dos egressos do curso de graduaÃÃo em administraÃÃo da Unioeste de Cascavel â PR. / Higher education and working market: an study of graduated students from the management course at Unioeste if Cascavel â ParanÃ.
This master s degree research paper analyses objective conditions of graduated-student insertion of the management course in the working market as well as verify the movement present in the working market at grad-student absorption moment of higher education of the management course at Unioeste. This study is directly related to personal necessity in underst
Publicado em: 2006
21. (Re)descobrindo a dança em tempos pos-modernos
Dance inserted in na educational context, specifically in the context of Physical Education, should not have as target rigid teaching and coded technicals, but instead of this shold make the students to observe that they are able to dance, as well as leading them up rediscovering the possibilities of their own bodies, taking the opposite way to schooling. Ta
Publicado em: 1999
22. O Sentido poético da dança espontânea entre corpos diferentes
The intention of this study was to investigate the effects of applying principals of Contact Improvisation in a program of artistic and technical movement training for physically challenged students. The design of the research was of a Randomized Clinical Rehearsal where the subjects were placed randomly in two groups the Experimental Group (G1) and the Cont
Publicado em: 2005
23. Public Access for Teaching Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics
When the human genome project was conceived, its leaders wanted all researchers to have equal access to the data and associated research tools. Their vision of equal access provides an unprecedented teaching opportunity. Teachers and students have free access to the same databases that researchers are using. Furthermore, the recent movement to deliver scient
The American Society for Cell Biology.
24. Movimentos sociais, reforma agrária e escolaridade: o caso dos alunos do projeto Ceta na Bahia
This study analyzes the educational trajectory of six students which are matriculated in the Professional Secondary Grade School and in the University Course offered by National Program of Agrarian Reform (Pronera), associated with the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Assentados, Acampados e Quilombolas (Ceta) and the University of State of Bahia (Uneb). T
Publicado em: 2009