Evaluation of the nutritional status of an infant population in municipal Ceinfs in Campo Grande, MS / Avaliação do estado nutricional de pré-escolares de Ceinfs municipais de Campo Grande, MS
Karla de Toledo Candido
The nutritional evaluation is an important factor to accompany infants growth and development in order to guide strategies in determined population. The present study aimed to identify the prevalence of desnutrition, nutritional risk of overweight and obesity in pre-schoolchildren and compare the results with national and local data and between six Comunity Centers of Infant Education in Campo Grande (CEINF) MS. Anthropometrics data were collected from 748 children aged 5 to 71 months, then the Z-scores values were analyzed according to indicators of height/age (H/A), weight /age (W/A) and weight/ height (W/H). Children were considered malnourished when the z-score values were less than -2, in nutritional risk between -1 and -2, overweight between +1 and +2, and obesity when the z-score values were above +2. Prevalence were: desnutrition 2,8% (H/A), 2,9% (W/A) and 2,5% (W/H); nutritional of risk 13,9% (H/A), 16,0% (W/A) and 13,5% (W/H); overweight 14,3% (H/A), 11,2% (W/A) and 11,0% (W/H); obesity 2,8% (H/A), 2,9% (W/A) and 3,2% (W/H). Prevalence of desnutrition for three indicators was above WHO standards, on the other hand below the last national census/1996 and the local data of obesity prevalence. Prevalence of nutritional risk and overweight were higher than desnutrition and obesity, and the highest prevalence found was nutritional risk. The study revealed a decrease in prevalence of obesity in relation to the local data. The best nutritional pattern was observed at Pacaembus Ceinf, and the highest desnutrition and obesity prevalence were, respectively, Vila Nassers Ceinf for H/A indicator and Cangurus Ceinf .
schoolchildren antropometry child care centres nutricao creches antropometria pré-escolares estado nutricional nutritional status
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