Theories Of Democracy
Mostrando 1-12 de 59 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Representation, Epistemic Democracy, and Political Parties in John Stuart Mill and José de Alencar
John Stuart Mill and José de Alencar lived at the same time and wrote about the same issues, and yet the connections between their political theories remain unexplored. Seeking to offer a comparison of both theories, this article argues that reading Mill's “Considerations on Representative Government” (1977b) vis-à-vis Alencar's “Systema representati
Bras. Political Sci. Rev.. Publicado em: 21/05/2018
2. Instituições participativas e políticas públicas: uma nova literatura para a agenda de pesquisa
Repositório Institucional da UFSCAR. Publicado em: 2013
3. Relações econômicas internacionais, isomorfismo institucional e democracia na América Latina: explicando as convergências (inesperadas?) entre Uruguai, Brasil e Honduras
Along this article, we sought to apprehend the logic underlying the triangular relation between international economic powers, structural reforms of the State, and democracy in Latin America. The study is based on the findings expressed in the Report on "A Democracia na América Latina: Rumo a uma Democracia de Cidadãs e Cidadãos" ["Democracy in Latin Amer
Dados. Publicado em: 2007
The aim of this essay is to analyse how Kelsen criticises the major theories of sociology and social psychology of his time (Durkheim, Simmel, Weber and Freud) in order to liberate law and democracy from what he calls collective hypostasis or the mythology of the "collective soul". The first part investigates how Kelsen criticises the metaphors of the collec
Trans/Form/Ação. Publicado em: 2015-04
5. As relações entre o executivo e o legislativo e a elaboração da politica economica na primeira experiencia de democracia presidencialista pluripartidaria brasileira (1946-1964) / The executive-legislative relations and the economic policy making in the first experience of brazlian multipartidary presidential democracy (1946-1964)
The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the relationship between the Executive and the Legislative during 1946-1964 period, focusing on the role of the parliament in the deliberative process on economic policy. For that, we make a systematic study of three dimensions of decision making process and the relationship between the Executive and the Legislative
Publicado em: 2008
The research herein deals with the theories of political representation as they are exposed by Bernard Manin, Pierre Rosanvallon and Nadia Urbina ti, considering the perspective of a tense existing relationship between democracy and political representation, as it was recovered by Bernard Manin. There is a rhetoric that follows the universal suffrage adoptio
Publicado em: 2008
7. Political equality and electoral campaign financing / Igualdade política e financiamento de campanhas eleitorais
The difficult relationship between economic power and democratic politics as it can be seen in political parties and electoral campaign financing issues, has been filling a central place in the political agenda of the democracies all over the world and it couldn´t be different regarding Latin America. Based on theories of democracy and justice, this dissert
Publicado em: 2009
8. Entre a barganha e a deliberação : notas acerca dos fundamentos filosóficos das teorias da democracia contemporânea
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS. Publicado em: 2012
9. Os conceitos de liberdade de Isaiah Berlin e a democracia
This work presents the fundamental differences between Isaiah Berlin‟s positive and negative freedom. It also adds the analysis of other philosophers on the subject. The analysis evaluates the state-of-art on freedom of Berlin‟s work (Two concepts of freedom), seeking its relationship with democracy. In particular, it explores Berlin‟s work
Publicado em: 2010
10. Carole Pateman y la crítica feminista a la teoría clásica de la democracia (Locke y Rousseau)
The present work is based on the assumption that the non-insertion of women in the political arena - a recent fact, 20th century - occurred not in spite of democratic thought, but because the democratic theory was based in that exclusion of women in the public space. This assumption is a product of the critical gaze that feminism has made to the classic theo
Rev. Estud. Fem.. Publicado em: 2014-08
11. O Ministério Público e o plano diretor: propostas de acompanhamento sob a perspectiva da democracia participativa
This work tried to defend a democratic role for the State Attorney in the process of the municipal master plans, using the theory of participatory democracy. The research begins with an overview of the history of master plans in Brazil, which was considered quite problematic. The Brazilian 1988 Constitution included the use of master plan, assigning to it th
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UERJ. Publicado em: 2014
12. Integração regional e democracia participativa no Mercosul: uma análise sobre o Mercosul social e participativo
This dissertation paper analyzes the social dimension in the Regional Integration Process through participatory democracy. In this regard, we go through the historical background of integration and transformations that happened in the forms of South America’s government, until the arrival of democracy. In general, the South American’s countries were subj
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UEPB. Publicado em: 2014