Violated Rights
Mostrando 1-12 de 24 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Patient held informally in hospital had his rights violated
BMJ Publishing Group Ltd..
2. Violação dos direitos da criança: um olhar bioecológico sobre a escola e família
Repositório Institucional da UCSAL. Publicado em: 2013
3. La utopía multicultural
According to the article a multicultural utopia, understood as a social and legal structure that guarantees to all cultural and religious groups enough space to develop all their traditional practices, is an anti-utopia in which rights can be violated on behalf of culture. A multicultural policy that does not violate the rights of individuals must recognize
REMHU, Rev. Interdiscip. Mobil. Hum.. Publicado em: 2012-06
4. Eficácia horizontal dos direitos fundamentais
The purpose of this study is to systematize the concept, national an foreign, of the horizontal efficacy of fundamental rights. The issue is relevant considering that fundamental rights have been violated since the beginning of civilization. In the current days their protection and observance are still necessary. These violations can be derived from sovereig
Publicado em: 2007
5. As problemáticas de um homem de rua
This work aims at discussing the case Manoel Menezes da Silva, a street dweller admitted to a psychiatric institution by order of city agents, and its developments, studying its causes and effects, attempting to find in the Brazilian legal system a solution for the case, starting from a particular standpoint to a general overview. This work will also deal wi
Publicado em: 2007
6. Quem tem direito à moradia? :uma análise da política nacional de habitação e dos programas de habitação de interesse social (2003-2005)
This dissertation analyses the Brazilian housing policy of todays, focusing on the programmes in the socalled Social Interest Housing Subsystem in order to discuss to what extent the government has been able to grant housing constitutional rights in the country. The discussion is about housing policy and the principles in the countrys Constitution regarding
Publicado em: 2006
7. Os direitos sociais trabalhistas, a desoneração da folha de pagamento e o setor produtivo: limites do poder econômico
This study addresses the exemption of the payroll in the productive sector, preserving the labor and social rights and ensuring the economic growth. The aim of this study was the comprehension of the legal limits of the economic power, herein expressed by one of its figures, which is the productive sector. Considering as a point for debate, the best alternat
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações do Mackenzie. Publicado em: 2014
8. A observância dos direitos fundamentais no modelo constitucional pátrio e do princípio da boa fé objetiva nas relações jurídico privadas
This research is about the observation of the fundamental rights in the constitutional patriotic model and of the principle of the objective good faith in the juridical-private relations. At the conception of the liberal paradigm, still at the origin of the modern constitutionalism, the fundamental rights had been conceived as mens rights in view of the Stat
Publicado em: 2007
9. O sobreprincípio da segurança jurídica e a necessidade de sua aplicação dinâmica nos atos emanados dos poderes do Estado
The issue of legal certainty in our system is one of the most important issues for the realization of the rights of the taxpayer in the face of state power. Had the most authoritative doctrine as a sobreprincípio spatial, legal certainty exerts integrative function of our system, interrelating with other tax constitutional principles aimed at giving effect
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_SP. Publicado em: 2014
10. Ethics of fetal tissue transplantation.
Now that the Clinton Administration has overturned the ban on federal funding for fetal tissue transplantation, old ethical issues renew their relevance and new ethical issues arise. Is fetal tissue transplantation necessary and beneficial? Are fetal rights violated by the use of fetal tissue in research? Is there a moral danger that the potential of fetal t
11. Constitucionalismo e direitos fundamentais : bases para uma interpretação do controle judicial de proporcionalidade do ato administrativo no exercício de competência discricionária
From the very point the Constitucionalism and the Theory of Fundamental Rights suffer alterations, we must give answers for the new problems which are being put in contemporaneous society, plural and complex, that is collecting a new concept for questions that developed themselves under the sign of liberal paradgigms of public interest, selfgovernment and ab
Publicado em: 2008
12. O processo do trabalho como instrumento de efetivação dos direitos sociais trabalhistas: contribuições para o aprimoramento da prestação jurisdicional trabalhista / O processo do trabalho como instrumento de efetivação dos direitos sociais trabalhistas: contribuições para o aprimoramento da prestação jurisdicional trabalhista
Brazilians judicial labor procedure is ineffective. It often doesnt realize the complainants rights (at least, not entirely), and when it does, it takes so much time and causes so many privations to the complainant, that much of its utility is lost. This is due to the way in which the system is read by its operators, in a conservative and restrictive way, wh
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 23/06/2008